16:00:47 - 27/07/2024  
ELWOOD at present offers the following services:

* Ordinary repairs and maintenance on heat pump dryers (equipped with a compressor) and conventional dryers (with air change).

* Testing, restructuring and updating of existing dryers.

* Application of new instruments for the automation of the dryers. ( The
technicians are in direct contact with the manufacturer of such equipment)

* Sale of measurement and control-unit systems and accessories.

The continuous study of applied technologies ensures optimal solutions in
alternative to and/or integrated with the conventional system. The
proposals are developed on a case-by-case basis taking into account the
energy source available and bearing in mind the most practical solutions.

Elettronic Wood
di Saretta Mario
via Monte Tomba 1 31044 Montebelluna (TV)
tel/fax +39 423 300315 cell. 0348 3100999
email: saretta@elwood.it

Martinazzo Tomaso
via I° Maggio Crocetta del Montello (TV)
tel. +39 423 665217
fax +39 423 869063 cell. 0348 3060848
email: martinazzo@elwood.it